Interactive Blogging-The latest venture from the stables of Dudurudh !

I don't like wasting my vacations . Nobody does . But I do . Almost everyone I know does too . My life has been reduced to , and I have said this before in one of my older posts , playing games on the computer or my Ipod Touch and watching tv serials on star world ( excluding The bold and the beautiful , I have mentioned this very crucial detail in the old post too ) . The reason I have brought this up again is not because I have run out of ideas to blog . It's because I have run out of ideas to make something out of this extremely long vacation period ! If anyone does happen to have any good ideas please do let me know by mail . Which brings me to the more interesting part of this post . ( Interesting is a very very relative term . I know . But I'll go ahead and use it anyway ) .

After the monumental failure of my guest writer idea ( no idea what that is right ? Yep . Hence monumental failure . I shall unveil my revamped plan for that in this post ) , I have come up with a brand new idea . Any suggestions , view points , bouquets and brickbats from any of you ( and you do not have to be part of blogspot for this ) , please send it to . I will do my best to put up all the interesting suggestions or viewpoints here on my blog !

Now , about my revamped Guest writer idea . I had restricted the group of guests to just a bunch of close friends till now . And since that flopped ( yes thanks guys ! Now everyone thinks I am loner who can't get his friends to write on his blog . For the record , I am not a loner ! But I could not get anybody to write for me . One of the few failed missions in my life . ) , I am inviting all of you to write for me ! Your views on any thing ! Just send it by mail to with your post in the contents part of the mail . I promise I'll go through all your mails and post your thoughts ( with your name ) on this blog !  Just type " Blog-post " in the subject line so that it's easier for me to go through all the mails. Similarly , If you are sendings bouquets or brickbats or suggestions just mention that in the subject line .

I just hope that atleast this idea works out well for this blog ! Interactive blogging ! How cool is that !!!


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