She: The Dawn

She, is a story of innocence, of fear, of hope, of fate, of true love. 
A story, not of him and her finding love but one about their beautiful journey while love finds them.  
This is the first installment of a 5 part series. Exclusively,  on dudurudh.

He opened the boot of his rickety maruti 800, now almost old enough to pass off as an antique piece. The boot creaked open to reveal a few bags and a disfunctional spare tyre. He rearranged the suitcases to make space for a picnic basket. Carefully, he lifted a mat from it and flung it on the beach sand. Then, with a loud thud that momentarily disrupted the peace on the little coastline, he shut the boot, lifted the mat and walked towards a lonely tree in a corner not too far away.

She stood there, leaning on the tree, listening to the music playing out loudly from her phone. She shuffled a bit to make sure the cruel sun wouldn't be able to see her pretty face.
He laid out the mat in the shade and walked over to where she was standing. She looked up at him shyly and in a nasal voice not befitting her otherwise pretty self shouted, " What is the code word?"
Another unfamiliar male voice shouted back, "110010110".

Startled, he lifted his head and looked around, only to find himself in cryptography class. He drank some water so he doesn't slip into a day dream again.
The teacher seemed uninterested in what her students were doing. The students, just as uninterested in what she was doing. "WRONG!" She shouted, chasing away any remaining sleep he had.
But the events in the dream lingered in his memory. He wondered who she was. It certainly wasn't one of his friends. But that face. It was so familiar.
A shrill bell brought the boring class to an end. As he packed his bag, his friends gathered around and initiated a discussion on a place for lunch. He opened his wallet to prove that he had no money to go out and in one swift motion, picked up his bag and walked to the door.
It was a gloomy day. But the sun was right behind the dark clouds, jostling for some space in the unending sky. It was the perfect day to walk home, he thought to himself. With no money, he had little choice. But it would also give him the chance to think about some things that deserved his attention.
He tried playing out the dream in his head once more. He saw the beach and the car and heard the music playing out loud. He saw the tree and the mat and a phone lying beside it. But she wasn't there.
To be continued...


  1. Interestingness is happening, I've logged into blogger after, maybe, a year or so.
    What happens next? :D


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